Sustainable Forest

Forestry Consulting
- Timberland Assessment
- Basic review of current forest condition
- Report of Observations
Management Plans
- In person discussion with landowner to discuss short and long-term goals and objectives.
- Mapping of land base
- Stand delineations
- Timber Cruise/Forest Inventory
- Full review of land base
- Recommendations based on landowner goal and objectives
- Follow up with landowner to review findings
Boundary Line Location and Maintenance
- Location of existing boundary lines
- Ribbon
- Clearing path between 3-4 feet
- Blaze and paint
GPS/GIS Project Management and Analysis
- Data Collection
- Data mapping
Road Location and Building
- Map analysis
- On the ground review and location
- Right of way clearing
- Road Building (before and after below)
Timber Harvest Prescriptions
- Acadian Forest Partial Cut
- Commercial Thinning
- Variable Retention
- Overstory Removal
- Clearcut
- Pre-commercial Thinning
- Scarification
- Tree Planting